Monday, June 22, 2020

Week #.....Aw, I've lost count. ART WILL SAVE US!

Covid-19 is still with us, with no signs of letting up. Here in Marin County, the local health organization has made it easy to get tested. I don't know if that's what's contributing to the new bump up in numbers, or whether people have gotten lazy about masks and gatherings. It's truly tough to go three and half months (since March 16) without seeing friends and family face-to-face! However, it's a lot tougher to get sick, very very sick, or be responsible for infecting hordes of people. It's not easy to grasp the exponential growth of infection, but one person truly can say, "I contain multitudes" (thank you, Walt Whitman, "Song of Myself") when it comes to the ability to infect and sicken large numbers of people.
On the good side, people are forced to slow down, become more introspective, and recognize what is truly valuable in our lives. A lot of set-aside home projects are getting done. And there's a lot of good TV and great videos out there!

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