It's Bob! |
Draft horses--an animal most people associate with the Budweiser Beer team of Clydesdales--are enormous! Weighing in between 1500 to 2400 pounds (the weight of an average automobile) and standing 16 to 19 hands tall at the shoulder (64 - 76 inches; a "hand" is four inches), these gentle giants tower over their fans. The draft horse is the second strongest work animal in the world, after elephants; a pair holds the record for hauling 5.38 tons! Clydesdales are one breed of these hefty horses still used for farm and lumber work and wagon pulls. In addition, the American Cream (the only native American breed), Belgians, Percherons, Shires and Suffolks are popular breeds.
The Annual Draft Horse Classic in the Nevada City Fairgrounds has been held for the last 29 years, and features buggy and wagon driving and a log-hauling competition. Competitors come from all over the United States and Canada. During the Sunday show I attended, we were treated to single ladies and single men buggy competitions in addition to six-horse team driving that takes incredible skill and practice.
The driver actually holds the reins to all six horses separately |
In between the competitions, trick riders, precision teams (the California Cowgirls), and antique wagons (including an authentic chuck wagon and dairy delivery truck) entertained the crowd. One of the most beautiful and accomplished displays of horsemanship I've ever seen was by wild mustang trainer and genuine horse whisperer Bobby Kerr; the two animals he rode for the crowd were trained from the wild in 120 days, and it was clear the horses adored him and worked with him as members of a team. He also brought in two of his trained dogs who acted the part of cattle to demonstrate the horse's ability to cut and herd. One of the funniest moments of the show was when Kerr had his main mount climb up into the back of his pick-up truck and have a seat for the ride back out of the area.

The show wasn't the only attraction: there was an excellent display of horse- and wildlife-themed art, and continuous entertainment in a nearby stage.including Sidewinder,a western swing band, and Sourdough Slim, the Yodeling Cowboy--seriously impressive yodeling, folks.
Next year's Classic is September 21-24. If you, like me, had a total obsession with horses as a little kid, you will LOVE this. Between shows, visitors are allowed to visit the horse barns and say hello to the big boys and girls. It's a little disconcerting when a horse's head is three feet above your own, but these are truly the gentle giants of the horse world, and as sweet-tempered as can be.
See a bigger, better version of the video below at Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/185190626